MINING ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (MEAI) proudly represents all professionals serving the minerals and mining industry in India.
MEAI has a membership strength of more than 5000 spread in 25 regional chapters across the country. The members include Mining Engineers, Geologists, Metallurgists, Geo-scientists, Environmental Engineers, Allied Engineers serving the mining industry, Educators, Researchers and Students. MEAI advances the mining community through information exchange, knowledge sharing and professional development.
To download Application Form Click here. Thereafter follow instructions on Application Form to submit membership application.
The MEAI offers businesses wanting to reach decision makers, thought-leaders and key opinion-formers in the mining environment different opportunities and essential platforms to do so. Include the NACRI in your marketing plan if you want to get noticed, grow your market share and assure your existing client base that they are dealing with the right service provider. The MEAI monthly, highly regarded Journal, website and monthly Journal mailer are distinctly differentiated from other available commercial mining publications, and online digital avenues.
MINING ENGINEERS’ ASSOCIATION OF INDIA, F-608 & 609, Raghavaratna Towers, ‘A’ Block, VI Floor,Chirag Ali Lane, Abids, HYDERABAD – 500 001